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KNB1E2B-MM Bevel-Top Knob, 6mm Press-fit

KNB1E2B-MM Bevel-Top Knob, 6mm Press-fit

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price $14.00 USD Sale price $14.00 USD
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KNB1E3B-MM is a set of 4 black plastic bevel-top knobs that match the appearance of the original knobs shipped on Spector® (and other) basses. These are designed to fit the 6mm metric knurled shafts originally shipped on Spector basses®, and perfectly fits the bass and treble pots on LHZ preamps.

These knobs will also work with 1/4" knurled pot shafts, however the fit will be tighter as 1/4" shafts are slightly larger than the 6mm shafts.

IMPORTANT: These are NOT RECOMMENDED for solid or "D" shaft potentiometers. Users with solid or "D" shaft pots should use knobs that have a set screw.


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